PULSE redefines Athlete Health and Performance Management through advanced sensors and AI technology. Our sensors and sports psychology-based app monitor Mental Health, Physical Health and Team Environment, providing Athletes and Sports Organizations with personalized recommendations to improve performance, decrease injuries, nurture athlete development and strengthen team dynamics.
We joined DLAB for the community, networking, mentoring and infrastructure opportunities. It has been great to access all these, and we are glad to keep sharing ideas and engage in this community!
Wij zijn PULSE Racing, een van de dreamteams van de VU, en zetten ons in om functionele elektrostimulatie (FES) voor mensen met een dwarslaesie verder door te ontwikkelen. Met behulp van FES kunnen ook deze patiënten hun beenspieren blijven gebruiken. En dat biedt voordelen voor zowel hun mentale- als fysieke gezondheid.
Eye-opening insights Consumers make about 95% of their decisions without conscious awareness. Attention Check objectively maps out their behavior by using biometrics such as eye tracking, skin conductance, and brain activity. In this way we tap into the non-conscious processes that truly underlie human behavior. In addition we run large N (e.g. 1000) online psychological […]
AI-based, wearable visual aid technology 1 in 30 Europeans suffers from visual impairment, and 75% of them are unemployed. Taking the form of a pair of glasses, Sonoptic is an AI based solution helps the visually impaired at work, at home and in education by providing three key features: Object identification – to help find […]