At SanguisAI, we are developing a device to measure hemoglobin levels in a fast, inexpensive, painless and waste free manner. This way we can ensure preventative screening and ongoing monitoring and complementing the reactive diagnostic process. We draw on the technique called PPG, which uses the body’s cardiac rhythm and the reflection of the light in the tissue at the fingertip. And we further enhance this with an AI-based analysis to then conclude the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.
non-invasively, instantaneously, inexpensively, and waste-free
Madglove delivers an accessible home-based rehabilitation solution to counteract the effects of hand spasticity around the world. Spasticity, one of the most common effects of stroke makes it very difficult for individuals to use their hands. Madglove designed a smart, easy to use glove to help them overcome it. By improving their handfunction, they increase […]
Firefly Quantum is making optical circuits as easy as electonic circuits. In electronics the printed circuit board provides a low-cost, high-performance route to market for custom circuit designs. This essential link between breadboards and integrated circuits is missing for optics. The way optical circuits are built hasn’t significantly changed in 50 years. Students, researchers and […]
VR-based Application for educating Cardiovascular patients through gamification. By making CVD education more accessible and engaging, CardioVR aims to improve patients’ daily life feelings, medication compliance, reduce secondary heart events, play a role as a preventative education and, as a final goal, lower healthcare costs. Why Demonstrator Lab? Demonstrator Lab creates a supportive space where […]