Designing a smart battery optimizer to charge your electronics in a controlled and technically optimized way! The mission of Liion Power is to make our future more sustainable, by improving the performance and longevity of lithium-ion batteries by charging them in a smart way. Lithium-ion batteries are in our smartphones, E-bikes and many of our […]
AI-powered triage application. Crafting an AI-powered triage application designed to revolutionize initial patient assessments in healthcare. By harnessing the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence, our project aims to mitigate excessive wait times and streamline the diagnostic process, enabling doctors and nurses to prioritize care with unprecedented efficiency. Our application leverages OpenAI’s sophisticated language models to […]
Athlete Health & Performance Monitoring. PULSE redefines Athlete Health and Performance Management through advanced sensors and AI technology. Our sensors and sports psychology-based app monitor Mental Health, Physical Health and Team Environment, providing Athletes and Sports Organizations with personalized recommendations to improve performance, decrease injuries, nurture athlete development and strengthen team dynamics. Why Demonstrator Lab? […]