NWO-Demonstrator Grant for methane leak detection

Imran Avci and Davide Iannuzzi (Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam) have been awarded an NWO-Demonstrator Grant. The grant will give them the opportunity to test whether their PAS-WRAP technology can be used to detect methane leaks in oil and gas extraction facilities. The project is based on a new approach to gas trace detection that offers high […]


Fitsurance op bootcamp pre business event Zuidas run

De VU is dit jaar vitaliteitsvriend van de Zuidas Run. Daarom werd VU uitgenodigd voor de Zuidas Run kick-off in het Olympisch Stadion op 25 juni jl. Het programma bestond onder andere uit een mini bootcamp en run clinic. VU start-up ‘Fitsurance‘ deed metingen bij deelnemers. Het doel van Fitsurance is om kosten wegens ziekteverzuim […]


Fitsurance receives MIT subsidy

Fitsurance has been awarded a Mkb-innovatiestimulering Regio en Topsectoren (MIT) subsidy. This subsidy enables Fitsurance to do a feasibility study on the further development of their mobile application. The feasibility study investigates the development of the Fitsurance app, a mobile application (iOS and Android) that is part of the Fitsurance platform. The goal of Fitsurance is […]


Findest wins top ten list of most groundbreaking innovations in science

Findest is one of the ten winners of the Academic Startup Competition. This was announced by a professional jury in Amsterdam in the presence of State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Mona Keijzer. As a result of the selection, Findest will be able to pitch at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES), which for […]


Students Haagse Hogeschool work on idea’s for the Strike-f(x) interface

Strike-f(x) was asked to be a case assignment for second year students Bewegingstechnologie (movement technology). Presenting data on an user friendly interface (understandable, motivating and slick) for a specific user is their challenge. Pitching their suggestions and working with the scrum method they have already come up with some great ideas. Read more


Fitsurance is now a BV

Sauvik das Gupta and his student colleagues Stef Beijk, Moritz Eggelbusch and Tommie Koppens have started FITSURANCE at the Department of Human Movement Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, now registered as BV!


Nilas wins 500 euro pitching the Strike-f(x) bag at the Beta Career Event

In this start-up battle, organised by ASIF and sponsored by ACE, Strike-f(x) took the first price which came with a cheque (yes!). Well done Nilas and Maxi. Read more


Opening Sport Data Valley Lab Amsterdam

No cutting of ribbons to open the new data Lab in Ookmeer but a synchronised punch on the intelligent boxing bag. The SDV Lab Amsterdam supports trainer, coaches and athletes with organising their sport related data. Of course innovations in sports that collect sport specific data needed to be part of this opening event. Strike-f(x) […]


Italian museum acquires artwork from Hybrid Forms artists

Artscientists in VU based Hybrid Forms Lab, part Of Demonstrator Lab, exhibit and sells artwork to prestigious Italian museum.


Strike-f(x) boxing bag available at Sportcentrum VU

Strike-f(x), the intelligent boxing bag is available at Sportcentrum VU (location Uilenstede). The intelligent boxing bag will be there for a three months trial and testing period. The team of Strike-f(x) will thus gather data to improve the user friendliness of the system as a whole. The Sportcentrum VU is the launching partner of Strike-f(x) […]
