Loads of new ventures and inspiration: five years of IXAnext program

On 14 April we concluded the valorisation program IXAnext: talent for innovation with a festive gathering. This event – kicked off by Jan Lintsen, member of the Executive Board of the UvA – celebrated the successes and results of this program from several angles. In its five-year existence, the valorisation program has proven to be […]


Jan Lintsen officially opened DemoLab @Science Park

Jan Lintsen, member of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam, opened the second location of the successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam. Demonstrator Lab Science Park offers employees and students the opportunity to become acquainted with entrepreneurship and product development in a hands-on and innovation-oriented environment. The opening of Demonstrator Lab Science Park […]


Opening location @Science Park

The successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam opens a second location on 28 March 2022 at Amsterdam Science Park. Thanks to the huge success at the VU location and the enormous need for such a living lab, the incubator is expanding with a location in the UvA FNWI building. At both locations, researchers and students […]


Demonstrator Lab @Science Park welcomes first projects

The successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam will also soon open its doors at the Amsterdam Science Park in building 904. Thanks to the huge success at the VU location and the enormous need for such a living lab, the incubator is expanding with a location in the UvA FNWI building. At both locations, researchers […]


Toby Kiers wint NWO Stairway to Impact Award

Evolutionair bioloog Toby Kiers en oprichter van SPUN is een van de drie winnaars van de Stairway to Impact Award van NWO. Elke winnaar ontvangt 50.000 euro, bedoeld om te gebruiken voor verdere stappen richting impact en kennisbenutting. De drie winnende onderzoekers hebben volgens NWO ‘effectieve stappen gezet om met hun wetenschappelijke resultaten maatschappelijke impact […]


New director Demonstrator Lab @Zuidas: Linda van de Burgwal

‘Valuable knowledge must find its way into society’ Having had many years of hands-on experience with connecting science and entrepreneurship, she achieved great results. Starting 1 January, Linda van de Burgwal will stimulate valorisation and entrepreneurship in her new role as director of the Demonstrator Lab, @location Zuidas. Linda van de Burgwal is currently working […]


ChloroSpec, the newest spin-off of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The project ChloroSpec, initiated by Alfred Holzwarth and Roberta Croce, establishes as BV. Lead by Peter Kievit (serial entrepreneur), ChloroSpec is a developer of plant health and stress analysis systems. ChloroSpec has developed a new technology that should become the gold standard in chlorophyll fluorescence monitoring of plants and algae, and analyzes how plants respond […]


MIT subsidy for analysis of smart system for exercise motivation

Fitsurance was awarded RVO MIT feasibility subsidy from Provincie Noord Holland. With this subsidy Fitsurance will investigate the feasibility of a Reinforcement Learning system that analyzes the best method to motivate someone to exercise more. The software is intended for patients with a metabolic disease and for healthy people to prevent metabolic diseases. The feasibility […]


Demonstrator Lab launch ASP

Following the tremendous success of the Demonstrator Lab at the VU campus, the Amsterdam knowledge institutes have decided to launch a new location at Amsterdam Science Park. The new location will be situated in the heart of the UvA Faculty of Science’s laboratories, on the ground floor of building D. The reconstruction of the lab […]


VU spin-off Incircular receives support from Noord-Holland Innovation Fund

VU spin-off Incircular received a €300,000 convertible loan from Noord-Holland Innovation Fund. With the loan, Incircular will further develop its INCYPRO technology to stabilize proteins for applications in research and drug discovery.  Proteins perform a plethora of essential tasks with unparalleled efficiency and specificity within every organism. It is these properties that have driven scientists […]
